Teeth Grinding (and Clenching)
Teeth grinding and clenching (or bruxism) are habits that if left unmanaged can cause jaw pain, headaches, teeth sensitivity, teeth chipping and fracture, tooth loss and premature wearing of the biting surfaces of teeth. This can be a serious short and long term problem. Let our Calgary and Cochrane Dentists help provide treatment options.
What is Teeth Grinding?
Teeth Grinding at Night
Teeth Grinding (or Bruxism) is a term that describes the grinding of teeth and is typically associated with the clenching of the jaw. We all probably experience it at some point in our lives. However, in the majority of people it is mild enough that it does not produce symptoms. This dysfunction usually occurs at night, and it is during this time that the majority of damage occurs. It is considered to be one of the most common sleep disorders.
A Bad Habit
Grinding of teeth during your sleep has been identified as a habit. It is thought that when people sleep, the subconscious process become active, when your brain’s higher control is inactive, resulting in the grinding habit (therefore you are unaware that this type of habit occurs). Sometimes this activity is rhythmic (grinding) and other times it is sustained (clenching). However, jaw clenching can become an unconscious neuromuscular daytime activity (I have actually seen people driving in rush hour clench their teeth). Most people are unaware of a bruxism habit, and only 5% go on to develop symptoms..
Common Symptoms of Teeth Grinding
Jaw pain and headaches, fracturing (referred to as occlusal trauma) and sensitivity (usually cold), tooth loos and gum recession, wearing/shortening of the edges of front teeth, warding/flattening down of the back teeth. While this habit usually occurs at night, some will notice that they are also doing this during the day.
Many Causes
While it is important to review the causes with your doctor, modfiying or eliminating the cause is not always possible. Some common causes include: stress and anxiety (most common), muscular trauma, depression, earaches and eating disorders, headaches and jaw pain (cyclical), insomnia/sleep disorders, incorrect bite, excessive caffeine, high blood alcohol levels, smoking, irregular work shifts, stressful professions, prescription medications, psychiatric conditions.
Teeth Grinding Options
Pain Relief
It is important to see a dentist when you have jaw pain. Some conditions may mimic the symptoms of clenching or grinding of teeth.
During an emergency exam we will determine the cause of your discomfort before suggesting short term solutions to manage pain related to clenching or grinding.
In many cases, we may recommend x-rays to ensure the integrity of teeth and jaw structure.
Night Guard
This is the most common and most traditional approach to reduce the collsion of teeth against each other is a night guard. A nightguard fits on either the upper or lower arch (not both).
This appliance helps to absorb and dissipate the biting forces . It can also and interefere with unconscious teeth clenching reflex. it protects teeth from tooth-on-tooth contact and wear.
In Dental Emergency situations, we can make a custom temporary nightguard to help against related pain. Learn more: Mouth guards >
Relax Muscles
Neuromodulators, such as Bonita-A, are naturally purified proteins which help to relax chewing muscles over a period of 3-4 months.
Many patients will find that they have a reduction in tension in their jaw and headache relief related to teeth clenching and grinding.
Your drug plan of your health insurance benefits may cover the cost of the neuromodulator vial. Contact our Reception Desk for more information.
Teeth Alignment
Back teeth are able to withstand the forces of clenching/grinding better than the front teeth. Clenching or grinding on front teeth can result in chipping and shortening and thinning of the front teeth.
Limited orthodontic treatment can move anterior teeth from receiving these heavy forces and protect them from premature wear and damage.
Learn More: Invisalign® Teeth Alignment >
Treatments We Offer
Emergency Care
Toothaches, Chipped Teeth and Jaw Pain. We have seen them all and welcome new patients. Learn more: Emergency Care >
Teeth Whitening
In-Office (90 min), Custom Take Home Kits, Dental Cleanings and Porcelain Veneers to improve teeth colour. Learn more: How to Whiten Your Teeth
Replace Teeth
Replace teeth with Dental Implants, Bridges or Partial Dentures. See how we can restore your smile. Learn more: What are Dental Implants?